Technical Innovations in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: On the Road to a Smart Defibrillator Dr. J. Thannhauser Radboud University Promotors: prof. dr. N. Van Royen & prof. dr. M.J. de Boer
Dilatation of the great arteries Dr. A.L. Duijnhouwer Radboud University Promotors: prof. dr. M.J. de Boer & prof. dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink
Advances in atrial fibrillation ablation technologies Dr. T.J. Buist Utrecht University Promotor: prof. dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans
Renal Sympathetic Denervation: 'From acute renal nerve stimulation induced hemodynamic changes to long-term clinical perspectives' Dr. A.F. Hoogerwaard Groningen University Promotors: Prof. dr. M. Rienstra & prof. dr. I.C. Van Gelder
Cardiac rehabilitation; How much pain for the optimal gain? Dr. J.A Snoek Radboud University 2020 Promotors: prof. dr. A.W.J. van ‘t Hof & prof. dr. M.T.E Hopman
Normal myocardial perfusion imaging with SPECT in patients with coronary artery disease Dr. Shu Yokota Radboud University 2020 Promotor: Prof M.J. De Boer
Renal Sympathetic Denervation: Renal Nerve Stimulation Dr. M.R. De Jong Groningen University 2019 Promotors: prof. M. Rienstra & prof. I.C. Van Gelder
Myocardial reperfusion in STEMI and the role of the antithrombotic/antiplatelet therapy Dr. E. Fabris Maastricht University 2019 Promotor: prof. dr. A.W.J van ’t Hof
Non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes Optimal timing of invasive treatment Dr. E. Badings Radboud University 2018 Promotors: prof. dr. H. Suryapranata & prof. dr. A.W.J. van ’t Hof
Intracoronary Insights in Diabetes Mellitus Dr. M.W. Kennedy Radboud University 2017 Promotor: prof. dr. H. Suryapranata