Out of the box! Screening asymptomatic subjects at the Huishoudbeurs. For the DETECT AF project of dr. Arif Elvan we screen subjects of 65 year of age or older with a recently-developed smartphone connected Mobile ECG Device (MED).
Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Although the condition itself is not life-threatening, the complications result in increased morbidity and mortality. The idea to screen subjects opportunistically for asymptomatic atrial fibrillation was infeasible until recently. However, with a recently-developed smartphone connected MED, this seems to be feasible after all.
The DETECT AF project is a national prospective study designed to enroll 4000 subjects in The Netherlands. The aim of the study is twofold: to examine the feasibility of screening subjects 65 years or older and to validate the smartphone connected MED.
The screening project of asymptomatic subjects started in the Isala hospital in Zwolle. Subsequently the project was extended towards care homes and general practioners in the Zwolle and Oldenzaal area. Next level is screening at the Huishoudbeurs in order to complete the numbers of subjects necessary!
Interested for more: visit our stand on 22-26 of February at the Huishoudbeurs: POP2.