Dr. A.F. Hoogerwaard defended her PhD thesis titled ‘Renal Sympathetic Denervation: ‘From acute renal nerve stimulation induced hemodynamic changes to long-term clinical perspectives’ on 17 February 2021 at the Groningen University.
The thesis is about a new potential treatment for hypertension, called renal sympathetic denervation. With renal sympathetic denervation sympathetic nerves surrounding the renal arteries are denervated. Currently, the renal sympathetic denervation procedure is under investigation to improve the procedure and select the appropriate hypertension patient category. The results of the research performed by dr. Hoogerwaard are described in her thesis: https://www.rug.nl/research/portal/nl/publications/renal-sympathetic-denervation(ecafec80-197b-4395-8ff4-dbd94a71e1b8).html
Dr. Hoogerwaard’s research was supervised by promotors prof. dr. M. Rienstra (Groningen University) and prof. I.C. Van Gelder (Groningen University), and copromotor dr. A. Elvan (Isala hospital Zwolle).